Join us on Saturday 15th August 2009 for an all-day family event including a relaxing picnic and an evening of illuminating talks by web industry leaders Simon Collison and Remy Sharp.

The big day is taking place in Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Split in to two main events, Geek in the Park starts with The Picnic during the day, followed by The Discussion in the evening. The event starts on Saturday at noon and everything should wrap up by around 11pm.

Please sign up on the Upcoming event page so we can gauge numbers and follow @geekinthepark on twitter to get the latest news about the event – will be very useful on the day to give up to date weather reports!

Geek in the Park: The Picnic


The day begins around noon in the beautiful Jephson Gardens in Royal Leamington Spa. So join us, sit back and soak up the sun and chat about everything web. The geeks, their families, and friends will enjoy lunch, games, and indulge in general fun. The event is conveniently situated near plenty of cafés, restaurants, play areas and toilets, so all you have to care about is having fun in the sun.

Be sure to bring along food, drinks, footballs, frisbees™, cricket sets, blankets, sun cream, your kids and a willingness to have a good time! However, we all know how unpredictable the English weather can be! In the event of rain, The Picnic will be called off, but the evening event will go ahead. Everyone wish for sun!

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Geek in the Park: The Discussion


At 7pm we’ll head indoors to The Conservatory, which is situated directly opposite Jephson Gardens in the Royal Pump Rooms, Royal Leamington Spa. Here you will listen to some informative and entertaining talks by the following industry-leading British speakers…

Simon Collison

Simon Collison

Despite not owning a computer until 2000, Colly took to the web like a duck to water, and soon began building sites for illustrators, record labels, bands and everything else. In 2006 he co-founded Erskine Design with a desire to do exceptional things. As part of the talented Erskine team, he’s now working with established clients ranging from established magazines to polar explorers. Colly’s written bestselling books about web standards, and likes nothing more than presenting his ideas to geeks in pubs.

Nailing Your Own Projects

Its not easy to make the right decisions when you’re working on your own projects. You’ll often need to produce engaging content, stunning design and rewarding experiences without all the usual in-depth client research and process. This calls for smart thinking and bold leaps of faith. In this design and content-focused talk, Simon will share his own experiences - both successes and failures - with a specific focus on the agency/portfolio website and it’s variants.

Remy Sharp

Remy Sharp

Remy is the founder of jQuery for Designers and the Full Frontal JavaScript conference, whilst by day he’s running his own company Left Logic, in Brighton where he’s a developer and blogger. Regarding code: he’s about as crazy about JavaScript, HTML & CSS as a squirrel is about his nuts during the winter.

HTML5 & Friends

A summary of HTML5, covering the new semantics, getting IE to play ball, an overview of the APIs and some of the cool stuff that’s going on.